Découpe du bois au jet d'eau : le guide complet

juillet 18, 2023
Can A Water Jet Cut Wood

You have probably heard about the unbelievable results of water jet cutting wood. The cuts are precise and fast. At the same time, there is no damage from heat or wetness. Neither do you have to suffer from dust and fumes? 

But can a water jet cut all types of wood? How much pressure and speed can it work with? And what are the best practices to follow when using this machine? 

Finding these answers is essential before implementing a water jet to cut wood at your company. So, follow this guide to satisfy all your possible queries. 

Can A Water Jet Cut Wood?

A water jet can be an effective and convenient way to cut wood. The machine jets a stream of water at pressures exceeding 60,000 psi at 600 inches/minute speeds

These specifications can vary depending on the equipment, type, and thickness of the wood to cut. The specifications mentioned are enough to cut through 5 inches of wood cleanly. 

One of the most significant advantages of cutting wood with a water jet is that it’s extraordinarily non-messy. 

There is no dust or fumes. Since the water jets at extremely high velocity, the wood doesn’t get any time to absorb it. So there is no delamination or wet surface. Cutting wood with water also means there will be no heat-affected zone. This method of carving wood reduces the need for secondary finishing too. 

How Does Water Jet Cutting Wood Work?

Water jet cutting wood is a cold-cutting process. In other words, it doesn’t use heat to cut through rigid materials like wood. Instead, the process primarily relies on contact and wear. And since no thermal energy is involved, the wood doesn’t experience any burning, warping, or heat damage. 

The cutting begins with a high-pressure pump. The pump compresses water and creates several thousand bars of pressure.

Afterwards, it forcefully releases this pressurized water through an orifice with a small diameter. This results in a precise and powerful stream of water that can cut the strongest material you direct it at. 

The orifice of the water jet cutter is made of a tough jewel, like a diamond or ruby. This ensures that the orifice can withstand the superior force of the pressurized water stream. 

To increase the cutting power of the stream, water jets might mix abrasive substances with the water. This makes the water column even more powerful and cuts wood faster and more precisely. Computer numerical control routers (CNC routers) work with the jets to maintain optimum control over the cutting process. 

What Types Of Wood Can Be Cut With A Water Jet?

You can cut almost any type of wood with a water jet. You may have to adjust the orifice size and the force of the stream to make it suitable for different textures and thicknesses. 

A water jet cutter with average settings can easily handle all kinds of wood ranging in thickness from 5-24 inches. Here are some of the common types of wood you can cut with a water jet- 

  • Pinewood
  • Plywood
  • Laminated Wood 
  • Cedarwood
  • Teak wood
  • Mango wood
  • Medium-density fiberboard
  • Strand boards

Applications Of Water Jet Cutting Wood

A huge number of industries require fast and precise wood cutting. Therefore, Water Jet Cutting Wood has found its use in various sectors. Toys, furniture, musical instruments, doors, and windows are some of them. However, new sectors are constantly finding creative applications for this cutting technology. 

Toys and Decorative Items 

Old and classic toys, like blocks and puzzles, are also best for your kids’ development. The toy industry finds uses for the water jet to cut these toys or their parts out of wood precisely. 

Puzzles and blocks are not the only examples. Water jets can also be used to make models, figurines, doll houses, and similar toys for children. 

Toys made from water jet wood cutting are also safer for children. Because wooden toys, pieces carved out with water jets, have smoothened edges from the beginning. 

Therefore, the kids are less likely to injure themselves from splinters or sharp edges. Also, the manufacturers can create the products faster and in larger batches. 

Water jet cutting can also be used to create customized decorative items. For instance, you can carve a name or unique patterns on wood using a water jet. 

Tables and Furniture 

Wood cutting with a water jet can revolutionize how manufacturers design and create tables and furniture. 

In the traditional method, a significant difference exists between what a furniture designer visualizes and what is possible. However, the water jet method can reduce this difference. If a designer can draw it, the water jet can cut it. 

You can create various standard and custom order table top shapes with a water jet. 

For instance, creating an oval-shaped wooden table top isn’t more challenging than carving out a square or rectangular table top with this method. The same is not true when you are using saws and blades. 

Often, the finished furniture doesn’t look or feel as good as the initial design on paper. That’s because many finer angles and dimensions weren’t possible when the wood was cut by hand. 

But these details are more achievable when you are using a water jet. Therefore, the finished product can stay true to the designers’ vision. 

Musical Instruments 

Nothing demands precise wood cutting like musical instruments. If the various dimensions of the instruments are even slightly off, it can hamper the musician’s performance. 

Therefore the preciseness of water jet wood cutting comes in handy when manufacturing high-quality musical instruments.

One of the best examples, in this case, is the Guitar. Water jet cutting can help carve out Guitars’ bodies and necks. 

A guitar’s various curves and contours are tricky to carve out by hand. Without years of experience and master craftsmanship, it is almost impossible to get them right. 

But you don’t require any extraordinary craftsmanship with water jet cutting wood.

All the specifications can be uploaded to the jet’s computer system, which will most accurately carve out the Guitar. It also makes adding certain features and unique patterns to your instrument easier. 

Water jet cutting can also help manufacture long-lasting, smooth, uniformly built drumsticks. 

Home Interior 

You can create customized and well-finished doors and windows with water jet cutting. 

Unlike hand cutting, the various tricky arches and curves are easily achievable with the water jet. With this method, You can instantly carve out well-fitting frames, panels, and joints for your doors and windows. 

The method also has its use in cutting out precisely shaped wooden tiles for your floor. You don’t have to limit yourself to the options the market provides. 

Instead, you can design the shape and pattern of your own wooden tiles. And thanks to the precision of the process, your tiled floor would experience fewer cracks and gaps. 

Agricultural Works

Agricultural works involve the cutting and trimming wood with various thicknesses and consistency. Water jet cutting can come in very handy in this case. It can speed up the process of harvesting and slicing different agricultural products. 

Also, farmers and workers sometimes have to set up various temporary structures in the fields to pull or lift things. 

In this case, water jet cutting wood can help them carve out wooden parts quickly and accurately. Farmers can carve shafts, pulleys, and gears, right on the job, with water jet cutting. 

Advantages Of Water Jet Cutting Wood

The most significant advantage of water jet cutting wood is precision and speed. The finished wood product is smoother, less damaged and more perfect compared to traditional cutting methods. You would have an easier time cleaning the workplace after a water jet wood-cutting session. 

Easily Achieve Precision 

Making precise and accurate cuts of wood isn’t something you can do on your first day. It takes experience, talent and skills to do so. Even then, there are cases of human error. In comparison, water jet wood cutting is computerized and highly controlled. Therefore, you don’t have to depend on human qualities to achieve precision. 

The precision and accuracy of the water jet method also make possible various structures and designs that aren’t possible manually. As a result, designers can attempt more challenging designs. They don’t have to worry whether the craftsman would be able to turn their vision into reality.

Pas de dommages dus à la chaleur 

Some might say laser and plasma cutting techniques are also precise and well-controlled. So, why prefer water jet over them? Well, unlike those methods, water jet cutting is a non-thermal technique. It doesn’t use heat to cut wood in any step of the process. As a result, there isn’t any concern about heat damage. 

In comparison, the thermal methods for wood cutting make your precious material vulnerable to various heat damages. Every time you cut wood with these techniques, the wood is burnt to some degree. This can warp, discolour or damage the material in other ways, resulting in undesirable finished products. 

Range of Compatibility 

You can cut wood of various thicknesses and shapes while maintaining quality and precision. As a result, you can easily create parts for detailed structures using the same machine. You can also work with a range of woods. This will minimize the hassle of changing tools and expand your design options. 

Apart from wood, a water jet cutter can also cut metal, plastic, glass, and other materials. That means one water jet cutter will be enough to cover all the cutting needs for an entire project. You will also be able to maintain better coherency throughout the whole process. 

Less Messy and Stressful 

One of the main problems of traditional cutting methods is the stress the worker has to go through. Working with good old-fashioned saws and blades is physically demanding and exhausting. 

Motor-powered tools might be better, but the sound and vibration can wear you down and give you headaches. In comparison, water jet cutting requires mostly oversight and little direct involvement of the worker. 

Also, traditional cutting methods cause dust and fumes. This can irritate the eyes and respiratory tract. Also, this makes the workplace messy and requires an elaborate clean-up session afterward. But when you use water jet cutting, there is no sawdust and, therefore, not much to clean up. 

Fast Cutting Process 

Water jet cutters can cut average wooden boards at around 600 inches/minute. This incredible speed means you get more done in a short amount of time. Meanwhile, you don’t have to compromise on the quality of the work. 

The CNC technology used in water jet cutting further contributed to its speed. The sophisticated programming lets the machine easily switch between designs. As a result, the process becomes even more flexible and streamlined compared to traditional cutting methods. 

Save Time and Money 

Since water jet cutting does the job faster and more accurately, undoubtedly, it saves you money and time. But that’s not the only way. You are saving on labour costs as you no longer have to pay that many skilled workers and craftsmen. 

Plus, water jet cutting wood has a kerf width of around 0.03 inches. This means it minimizes damage and wastage of material better than plasma and oxyfuel cutting. So, you will save some money there too. 

Laser cutting has a similar kerf width. But with that method, you have the risk of burning the wood. 

Lastly, a water jet machine itself is low maintenance. It doesn’t use expensive blades that will go dull or wear out in a few months. The requirement is simple water and some abrasive. That is more manageable than changing blades now and then. 

Tips And Precautions For Water Jet Cutting Wood

The water jet is a powerful machine. So, you must be careful around it and wear the proper protective equipment. Here are some more helpful tips to get the best results from water jet cutting wood. 

Abrasive Vs. Pure Cutting 

You can choose either pure water as the cutting tool or mix abrasive minerals with it. Both are okay, but abrasive water jet cutting is more precise due to the presence of the minerals.

The impure stream has more force and pressure. Therefore, it can cut with greater accuracy. In comparison, the pure stream sometimes deflects off the wood’s surface. 

Proper Pressure Settings and Abrasive Size 

A pressure of 60,000 psi or around would be sufficient for most of your projects. However, you may have to adjust the settings according to the circumstances. 

For instance, if you are cutting tougher and thicker wood, increase the pressure to get a more quality cut. You shall benefit from doing the opposite when dealing with thinner and delicate wood. 

Be moderate while running your water jet machine at high pressure. Doing it too often can wreak havoc on the machine’s interior and require early repairs. 

On the other hand, you won’t get smooth well-finished edges if you don’t use the proper cutting pressure. So, practice a balanced use. 

Similarly, use abrasive according to the nature of your project. For example, a finer abrasive (80 mesh) is suitable for thin cutting. Meanwhile, thick cutting requires coarse abrasives (50 mesh).

Stacking For To Save Time 

Practice stacking to take full advantage of the water jet’s superior cutting power. It simply means you will put multiple wood pieces above one another. 

Since you will be using a high-pressure stream, the knots and other defects of the wood have less effect on your cutting. So stacking can be helpful when you are working with defective pieces. 

Use a thin plastic sheet between the pieces. This will hold the stack in place throughout the process. Plus, none of the wood would stick together. 

Proper Use and Maintenance 

Wear proper eye and ear protection before using the water jet for cutting wood. Otherwise, the loud noises or the flying debris might cause an accident. 

When you turn on the machine, let the computer guide the movement of the cutting nozzle. If you forcefully try to control the nozzle with your hand, there will be damage to the wood and the machine. 

After each session, clean the machine properly. The water (mixed with abrasive) accumulates in the jet’s catch tank. The machine can become clogged or contaminated if you don’t properly dispose of this water. 

FAQ For Water Jet Cutting Wood

Is a Water jet better for cutting wood than a laser?

The laser can cut materials with roughly the same precision and speed as a water jet. However, the heat-affected zones created by laser cutting can be a severe problem for wood. Also, laser cutting might not work well with thicker pieces of wood. Therefore, a water jet is preferable

What are the different types of water jet-cutting machines according to dimensions?

Based on its planes of operations, water jet cutters can range from one-dimensional to five-dimensional machines. 

A one-dimensional machine is quite rudimentary. It works on only one axis and is ideal for simple cutting and trimming. Meanwhile, the multi-dimensional machine can work with several planes and, therefore, carve out more complex 3D designs. 

How long does a water jet cutter last?

The whole water jet cutting machine can last decades if you properly care for it. However, the parts of the machine which see the most action and stress can wear out early. So, you must be ready to replace them. 

These parts are the nozzle and the pressure pump. The nozzle takes the most beating during the cutting process. Therefore, it wears out the fastest at 100 hours. Meanwhile, the pressure pump stays good for around 10,000 hours. Replace the parts after these periods. 


Water jet cutting wood is advantageous and a worthy investment for various reasons. Firstly, it promises it promises accurate, high-quality cutting at fast speeds. Secondly, it opens up a whole new world of options and possibilities for the creative designer. Lastly, you get to reduce material wastage and save money with this method. 

You are now probably motivated enough to seek a water jet-cutting solution for your business. Well, IVYCNC can help you with that. We have brought together the best minds in the CNC industry to form our expert panel. Together we can help you find the best water jet-cutting solution and provide the support you require along the way.

Cet article a été rédigé par divers collaborateurs d'IVYCNC. IVYCNC est une ressource de premier plan dans le domaine de la fabrication à l'aide de l'usinage CNC.
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