
7月 15, 2023

Waterjet cutting has transformed the metal fabrication industry with its ability to cut through various metals with fantastic accuracy and efficiency. This advanced technology uses a high-pressure stream of water and abrasive materials to cut through metal like a hot knife through butter.

This article will cover everything you need to know about waterjet cutting metal. So, let’s dive right in!

Can A Waterjet Cut Metal?

Yes, a waterjet can cut metal. A water jet cutter is a powerful industrial tool that can cut various materials. It uses a jet of water or a mixture of water and abrasive material at very high pressure.

When the jet does not contain any abrasive material, it is called a pure waterjet or water-only cutting, and it is suitable for cutting soft materials like wood or rubber. When the jet has added abrasive material, it is called an abrasive jet, and it can cut hard materials like metal, stone, or glass.

How Does Waterjet Cutting Metal Work?

Waterjet cutting metal is a non-thermal process that uses a high-pressure stream of water mixed with abrasive particles to cut through materials. Here’s how it works:

Water And Abrasive

The waterjet cutting method is a mechanical sawing procedure that uses a fine stream of water combined with crushed garnet (or other abrasive materials) to create sharp particles. Garnet is commonly used for cutting metal plates due to its hardness.

Speed And Pressure

Water is pressurized to ultra-high pressure to cut through rigid materials, ranging from 50,000 to 90,000 PSI.

The water is then ejected through a small aperture, typically between 5 and 15 thousandths of an inch in diameter, resulting in a supersonic jet of water.

Incorporating Abrasive

The water stream passes through a chamber and mixes with the abrasive particles, ensuring they are thoroughly incorporated and traveling in the same direction. This mixture is then sent through a focusing tube or nozzle.

Cutting Process

The supersonic stream of water and abrasive emerges from the focusing tube and wears through the material.

Each abrasive particle erodes a small quantity of material, producing very little heat. The water stream rapidly cools any heat generated, preventing a heat-affected zone.

Straight And Accurate Cuts

The high speed of the water stream keeps the abrasive particles on a straight path even after they leave the focusing tube. This results in precise, straight cuts on various materials without a heat-affected zone.

What Types Of Metal Can Be Cut With A Waterjet?

Metal is a common and widely used material often cut in machining shops. Waterjets can cut these metals fast, accurately, and cleanly. Waterjet can cut a variety of metals with ease and precision. Some of the metals that waterjet can cut are:

Tool steel

This metal is hard to mill with conventional methods, especially after hardening. Waterjet cutting simplifies the profiling of tool steel.

Also, you can harden it before or after cutting. The hardness of the steel has little effect on the waterjet’s performance.


This metal is rare and expensive and poses a challenge to traditional machining methods. Waterjet cutting offers a cost-effective solution for cutting titanium, allowing for tight nesting, optimal material use, and offcut reuse.

Waterjets also produce very little waste when cutting titanium. This means you can save some materials and get a neat and flawless finish every time! Waterjet cutting also preserves the quality of titanium, as it does not generate heat or stress.

Copper and brass

These metals are difficult to cut with conventional tools, as they tend to clog them. They are also unsuitable for laser cutting, as they reflect the beam.

Waterjet cutting can easily cut copper and brass without any problems, making it the best option for these metals.


Aluminum is one of the easier metals to cut with waterjets because of its relative softness. This metal is lightweight and strong but also prone to deformation.

Usually, a laser can cut aluminum up to 8 mm thick, but a waterjet can cut it up to 170 mm thick with excellent results. Waterjet cutting can also handle complex shapes and intricate details that aluminum requires.

Steel (mild and stainless)

This metal is suitable for plasma, laser, and waterjet cutting, even after hardening. Plasma can cut steel up to 80 mm thick, laser up to 25 mm thick, and waterjet up to 170 mm thick.

Waterjet cutting is a good option for heat-sensitive products, as it does not produce heat or heat-affected zones.


Waterjets can also cut metal alloys that are usually hard to cut with other methods, such as Inconel and Hastelloy. Waterjets do not cause any burning, slag removal, heat distortion, or molecular change in these alloys.

Other cutting methods may take too long, stress the material too much, or wear out the cutting tools. Waterjets offer a more economical and efficient alternative.

Applications Of Waterjet Cutting Metal

Regarding precision cutting in the metal industry, waterjet cutting has emerged as a highly efficient and versatile solution. Here are the numerous applications of waterjet cutting in the metal industry:

Automotive Industry







これらの産業では、ウォータージェットカッターを使用して、次のような製品を製造しています。 航空機用複合材料 を開発し、ジェットエンジンやタービンブレードなどの部品を製造している。この方法では、複合材料、チタン、アルミニウムなどの素材から複雑な形状を驚くほどの精度で正確に切断することができる。厚さ11インチまでの材料を扱うこともできる。












ウォータージェット技術には、医療分野、特に製造業において多くの利点がある。 インプラントと補綴.






ウォータージェットカッティング EDMワイヤーカット、プラズマ、マシニング、レーザーなどの他の技術とは一線を画している。以下はその例である:























ウォータージェットカッティング は、他の産業作業と比較して特別な安全装備を必要とする。ハイドロジェット切断の安全圧力保護具を必ず着用してください。安全手袋にはさまざまなタイプがあります。ウォータージェット技術協会のケブラー補強耐切創安全手袋を着用すると適切な保護ができます。

Also, wear the proper ear protection to avoid hurting your ears. Safety goggles are essential to prevent eye damage. Check if your safety glasses have ISO approval. Additional protection includes helmets, knee and shin guards, and knee pads. You should never go near the waterjet stream, even with extra safety measures.

Learn How to Use the Motion Controls

A waterjet machine can move 100 inches of material per minute at maximum speed. That’s very fast, like trying to play tag with a hungry cheetah. Keep both hands away from it when the machine is working.

It’s OK to stop and double-check everything if something is not cutting the way you want it to. It’s better to do a job a little slower than to get hurt and not finish it at all.

Read The Safety Manual Before Personal Use

Always read the operator safety manual before using a waterjet for personal use. If you own a waterjet cutter, you have to make your own waterjet safety rules. Learn the basic meaning of the safety symbols used in each hydro-cutting or water jet-cutting process step.

Your safety and your family’s safety depend on you doing this important step. Following the instructions also prevents damage to the equipment.

More Things to Remember

Ensure your environment is suitable for your work when using a waterjet cutter. Does the equipment you want to use have the proper safety warnings and instructions on it? If not, move on!

Are you following all the rules and regulations set by your employer? Reviewing them now would be a good idea if you haven’t done so in a while.


In the metal fabrication world, the cuts’ quality is crucial. Whether you’re working with stainless steel, aluminum, or any other type of metal, achieving precise and smooth cuts is essential for making high-quality products. One technology that has changed the metal cutting industry is waterjet cutting.

Waterjet cutting has transformed the metal fabrication industry with its accuracy, flexibility, and efficiency. Using the power of water and abrasive particles, this technology continues to expand the possibilities of what can be done in metal fabrication.

If you’re interested in purchasing a waterjet cutter for cutting metal, feel free to browse through our collection of state-of-the-art waterjet cutters


  • What are the limitations of water jet cutting?

Water jet cutting can only cut softer materials than the abrasive material used. This means that water jet cutting is unsuitable for hard materials like metals. Water jet cutting is also ineffective for materials that are thicker than four inches.

  • What is the maximum thickness of metal that a water jet can cut?

A water jet cutter can cut stainless steel up to 9 inches thick. However, the thicker the material, the longer the cutting process.

However, you can modify some water jet systems to cut through 18-inch steel blocks for specific applications. But you can use most water jet cutters for cutting 4-inch steel or less.

  • What is the taper of a waterjet cut?

This cut has a taper that is about 1.1 degrees in angle. The angle can vary depending on the material, cut quality, and material thickness.
