WonleanEnergooszczędny przenośny strumień wody

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Energooszczędny przenośny strumień wody

This model has a more compact and integrated design, making its size and weight significantly reduced to one person who can still easily move and carry.

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 Wonlean energy-saving portable waterjet

The whole machine and all electrical parts are designed to be explosion-proof and have an explosion-proof certificate issued by the National Explosion-proof Testing Center after testing, which can be suitable for cutting work in various high-risk environments.

The use of a high-quality high-pressure flexible hose can be arbitrarily bent, compared to the traditional waterjet metal hard high-pressure tube is not easy to bend, high-pressure hose arrangement is very convenient, and more suitable for an on-site construction environment, and then with the WONLEAN quick connection plug, connecting the pipeline is extremely easy.

It has multiple protection systems such as an overload protection system, an overheat protection system, and an overpressure protection system. When the equipment status is abnormal, the protection system is automatically activated, multiple system protection, eliminating all potential dangers, so that safety and peace will always follow.

Various types of cutters are available for all kinds of complex cutting conditions, and Wanlin has perfected every cutting condition. Every cutting operation is precise and convenient.

Wonlean energy-saving portable waterjet

Truly no Sparks

Truly no Sparks

Wanlin advanced pre-mixing technology will be fully mixed with sand and water before pressurization, compared to the traditional waterjet in the head part of the sand mixing after the mixing method. Eliminate the air mixed into the abrasive and residue caused by high-speed friction to produce burning sparks. Is currently the most advanced and safe technology for cutting hazardous materials.

Super High Energy Efficiency Ratio

Super High Energy Efficiency Ratio

According to the data collected by Wanlin Experimental Center, we only need 50MPa to reach the cutting speed of 360MPa of traditional waterjet, which is an amazing 7 times improvement in energy efficiency ratio and an epoch-making technical breakthrough. It is a groundbreaking technological breakthrough. It is capable of cutting in various high-risk environments and protects your safety.

Low-Pressure is Safer

Low-Pressure is Safer

Wanlin's advanced hybrid technology allows for ultra-high cutting speed and low-pressure operation. Compared to the traditional waterjet operating pressure of 360MPa, 50MPA is much lower than the safety threshold value of most hazardous materials where pressure shock causes combustion and explosion. This further eliminates the risk of compression ignition and makes it safer.

Lighter Design

Lighter Design

The compact and integrated design reduces the size and weight of the Wonlean energy-saving portable waterjet by about four times, and it can be easily loaded in a pickup truck. Only one person can easily move it, and it is extremely convenient for construction and transportation.

Wonlean energy-saving portable waterjet


Max. Ciśnienie
Ciśnienie robocze
Max. Przepływ wody
Moc znamionowa
Zapotrzebowanie na moc
Stopień ochrony przeciwwybuchowej
Exd II BT4

Serwis i wsparcie 
Wonlean Waterjet

Wysyłka maszyny

Weźmiemy najbardziej rozsądny i bezpieczny sposób pakowania, z drewnianymi skrzyniami i wszelkiego rodzaju miękkimi materiałami do pakowania, jak również poduszki powietrzne, tak aby upewnić się, że maszyna dotrze do klienta bezpiecznie.

Instalacja i uruchomienie

Gdy maszyna dotrze do warsztatu, wyślemy do Państwa inżyniera, który pomoże w ustawieniu i modulacji maszyny.


Nasi inżynierowie pomogą Twoim pracownikom nauczyć się obsługiwać maszyny i wykonywać na nich rutynowe czynności konserwacyjne.


Do 18 miesięcy lub 2400 godzin gwarancji na maszynę i długoterminowa dostawa części zamiennych.

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