The Ultimate Waterjet Cutter Buying Guide: Советы и рекомендации

22 августа 2023 г.
Waterjet Cutter Buying Guide

Waterjet cutting has improved more than we could imagine in recent years. For various factory works, waterjet cutting machines have become a top choice. Waterjet cutting is pretty complex, which makes it difficult for newcomers to buy waterjet cutters.

There are lots of factors like size, cutting procedures, operation dimensions etc. all of these come with exotic features which widens the price range a bit more.

This blog post will provide valuable tips and recommendations to help you make an informed purchasing decision. Whether you're a small business owner, or an industrial professional, understanding the key factors to consider when buying a waterjet cutter is crucial. So, let's dive into this ultimate buying guide and explore the world of waterjet cutters together!

Model Selection

There are two main aspects when you are considering purchasing a waterjet cutting machine. Firstly, you must choose the type of waterjet cutting.

Your requirement will dictate the type of machine you have to buy. Not everyone will require a machine that can operate in 5 axes and costs more than $200000. So let's have a look at different aspects you'll have to think of when selecting the waterjet cutting model:

Material Type and Thickness

What type of material you want to cut, and the thickness you want to cut are two of the most significant indicators of what kind of waterjet cutter you should buy. Not all waterjet cutters can cut through varying thicknesses and materials. There are two types of waterjet cutters; pure waterjet cutters and abrasive waterjet cutters.

Pure waterjet cutters do not use abrasive particles with the water stream. So they are used for cutting soft materials such as foam, rubber, paper etc. As you can understand, pure waterjet cutters cannot penetrate greater thickness.

That’s where abrasive waterjet cutters come in. They can cut through as many as 12 inches of thick materials and easily cut stainless steel, carbon steel etc. Those machines that use garnet particles as abrasive can cut thicknesses of more than 12 inches.

Sizing of Cut Parts

Table sizes are often determined by plate sizes. As you acquire smaller tables, you may need to use a material that needs to be trimmed down to fit. Therefore, it's essential to have a table that can accommodate your most common sheet or plate size.

Waterjet systems come in various designs, including those with a single or dual work zone. But when is a split work-zone configuration appropriate? Typically, it is justifiable when there is enough floor space and the load/unload time is comparable to the time it takes to cut the components on the table.

Whether Special Features Are Required For Cutting

Waterjet cutters work on more than two axes. Waterjet cutting can operate up to 5 axes to enhance its cutting efficiency. As you can understand, the 5-dimensional waterjet cutter is more precise and flexible than other less sophisticated models.

If you want complete control of your waterjet cutting operations, try the YUANHONG 5-axis waterjet cutter. It's impeccably precise and environment-friendly. Its design will give the user more space for function and cut big pieces without extra support.

Taper compensation is also another essential feature of waterjet cutters. High-performance waterjets can effectively correct taper by adjusting the angle of the cutting head during the cutting process. For this purpose, you can try out the TEENKING 3D PLUS 5X waterjet cutter. It has a taper compensation feature and all the features of a great waterjet cutting machine.

To achieve optimal results, it is essential to use a properly calibrated waterjet with taper correction, even when operating at high cutting rates. Consider adjusting the cutting speed as necessary for improved precision.

Additional Features of Waterjet Options

Waterjet cutters have evolved into so much more than it was even a few years ago. Now we have so many advanced features like abrasive removal systems, ALLFI abrasive systems, vacuum assist etc., which have taken waterjet cutting to the next level.

ALLFI Abrasive System

ALLFI Abrasive Systems offers specialized abrasive products and solutions that enhance the cutting process in waterjet cutting. They provide high-quality abrasive garnets, commonly used as an abrasive medium in waterjet cutting machines.

Abrasive garnet helps accelerate the cutting process by mixing it with the high-pressure water stream, resulting in effective material removal and precise cutting. ALLFI Abrasive Systems offers garnet abrasives designed explicitly for waterjet cutting applications, ensuring optimal performance, efficient cutting, and excellent cut quality.

Vacuum Assist

The Vacuum Assist attachment is a highly effective solution for abrasive waterjet cutting of brittle materials, advanced composites, complex laminates, and other challenging materials.

Unlike lower-pressure options that may puncture delicate materials, the powerful jet force of the Vacuum Assist can inadvertently induce delamination if there is even a slight delay in the abrasive feed. However, Vacuum Assist eliminates the delay and ensures consistent piercing of composites, laminates, and other fragile materials.

In addition to its precision and reliability, the Vacuum Assist offers the added benefits of increased output and reduced material waste. It helps to maximize productivity while minimizing resource consumption by optimizing component processing yields.

Abrasive Removal System

Abrasive removal systems are equipment to remove abrasive material from the waterjet cutting tank selectively. During the waterjet cutting process, the highly pressurized water stream mixed with abrasive particles is cut through various materials. Over time, the abrasive particles accumulate in the cutting tank, affecting the cutting performance and quality.

Abrasive removal systems are designed to effectively separate the used abrasives from the water, allowing clean water to be recirculated back into the cutting system. These systems use various techniques to separate the abrasive particles from the water, ensuring continuous and efficient operation of the waterjet cutting process.

Incorporating these features makes the job much more manageable and increases productivity and operational safety. But of course, the price of the machine also increases.

Операционные расходы

You will have to take into account the actual cost of operating your equipment to maximize your profitability. It includes analyzing expenses such as consumables (power, water, sewage, and abrasive), spare parts (nozzles and pump seals), initial purchase price, and personnel costs.

Keep in mind that these costs can vary significantly among manufacturers. Calculate the labor days required each month to cover the machine's expenses. To accurately compare prices, request multiple manufacturers to cut the same item for you and calculate the total costs.

You will likely uncover substantial cost differences by considering factors like path planning algorithms, nozzle and pump selection, and other considerations.

Environmental Factors

Compared to traditional cutting processes, waterjet cutting offers several advantages. Firstly, it generates less waste as the material removed during the cutting process dissolves in water. This dissolved material can then be easily strained and repurposed, making waterjet cutting a highly efficient procedure.

Additionally, waterjet cutting is a safe option as it produces no hazardous gasses or material dust in the workplace. It provides a secure environment for staff and reduces the emission of dangerous gasses into the atmosphere.

Moreover, waterjet cutting is beneficial when dealing with significant components that require transportation, such as mega trucks. These large workpieces can be sliced into smaller sections using waterjet cutters, allowing more accessible transport.


When considering the cost of a waterjet cutter, it's essential to look beyond just the hourly rate. One key aspect often overlooked is the initial investment in the waterjet cutter. This expenditure is a significant one-time cost that should factor into your financial decision-making.

Starting at $60,000, smaller waterjet machines may seem like an affordable option. If you are on a budget, you can try this budget-friendly FEDJET G SERIES waterjet cutter. It's affordable without compromising any quality of a good quality water jet cutter. It's simple to operate and has a wide range of applications. 

Purchase And After-sales Service

The second important aspect is to choose the right manufacturer and supplier. Both manufacturer and supplier are important because if either are insincere, you after sales service experience will be hellish. Let's explore how you can find the right supplier with after sales services to buy waterjet cutter:

Selection Of Channels And Suppliers

What's even more important than the brand and quality of waterjet cutting machines is the vendor you purchase them from. Supplie77rs are responsible for delivering your product and providing after-sales services like repair and replacement.

If the supplier isn't responsible, you will have to work hard to get after-sales services. However, all of these shouldn’t be a matter of concern if you purchase from our platform. At IVYCNC, we have carefully vetted all the suppliers and only displayed the most reliable ones. If you are unsure of any reliable platform, give us a go!

After-sales Service And Maintenance

After-sales services are critical. Even if the vendor is honest and sincere, he may not be able to provide good service if there is a lack of expert technicians, spare parts and disruption in the supply chain.

So if you are considering buying from any specific supplier, check his profile, online reviews and ask your friends or colleagues if they know something. If you need help finding a reliable vendor, try IVYCNC.


Purchasing a waterjet cutter requires careful consideration and research. To buy waterjet cutter machine fit for the job, buyers must understand the key factors such as cutting capabilities, power requirements, maintenance needs, and budget.

It is also essential to assess the specific needs of your business or project and choose a waterjet cutter that meets those requirements. Besides, considering the reputation and customer reviews of different manufacturers can help ensure a reliable and durable machine. With the suitable waterjet cutter, your business can enhance productivity, precision and overall efficiency in cutting various materials.

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