Waterjet Cutting Stainless Steel: The Complete Guide

Temmuz 25, 2023
Can A Waterjet Cut Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is a very strong and versatile material that many industries use. It has excellent structural integrity and corrosion resistance for items ranging from household appliances to aeronautical components. However, working with stainless steel can be challenging because of its toughness and hardness. Waterjet cutting can help with that.

Waterjet cutting is a precise method that removes material by slicing it with a high-pressure stream of water containing abrasive particles. This versatile and efficient technique can cut various materials, including stainless steel. In this article, we will give you all the information you need about waterjet cutting stainless steel.

Can A Waterjet Cut Stainless Steel?

Yes, you can effectively cut stainless steel using a water jet. This cutting method utilizes a non-thermal approach, where a high-speed stream of water and abrasive material gradually erode the metal. Waterjet cutting surpasses laser cutting by tenfolds with a cutting depth of up to 25 cm. 

Moreover, this technique delivers a smooth and flawless edge, free from structural flaws, micro-abrasions, or heat damage. Waterjet cutting also handles intricate shapes and patterns thanks to its multi-axis cutting head. Also, it can handle both large and small-scale operations.

How Does Waterjet Cutting Stainless Steel Work?

Waterjet cutting stainless steel is a highly efficient and versatile machining technique that various industries worldwide use.

This manufacturing erosion process involves accelerating water under extreme pressure inside a chosen material, resulting in precise and clean cuts. The following is the working mechanism of waterjet cutting for stainless steel:

High-Pressure Water Generation

The process begins with the generation of water at extremely high pressure. Specialized pumps pressurizes the water.

These pumps can reach pressures up to 60,000 pounds per square inch (psi). The mixing chamber then receives this high-pressure water.

Mixing Chamber

The high-pressure water is combined with abrasive material in the mixing chamber, typically garnet sand.

The pressure creates a vacuum that draws the abrasive material into the water stream. The garnet sand acts as a cutting agent and aids in the erosion process.

Nozzle and Focusing Tube

The high-pressure water and abrasive mixture is then forced through a nozzle, usually made of ruby or diamond.

The nozzle’s role is to precisely direct the jet of water and abrasive towards the target material. A focusing tube is often employed to further concentrate the jet and achieve even greater cutting precision.

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The high-velocity jet of water and abrasive is propelled towards the stainless steel surface to be cut. As the jet contacts, the abrasive particles erode the material, creating a narrow kerf. The rapidity at which the erosive process takes place makes it seem to be cutting.

What Types Of Stainless Steel Can Be Cut With A Waterjet?

Various types of stainless steel are used across different industries. And most of them can be processed through water jet cutting. Let’s take a look at all the different types of stainless steel waterjets cat cut. 

Precipitation-Hardening (PH) Stainless Steel

Precipitation-hardening stainless steel has exceptional strength and longevity. When treated, these alloys can provide three to four times higher strengths than typical austenitic stainless steel.

This makes them ideal for applications in oil and gas, nuclear, and aerospace industries. Waterjet cutting is an effective method for cutting precipitation-hardening stainless steels due to their excellent machinability.

Duplex (Ferritic-Austenitic) Stainless Steel

It contains a mixture of austenite and delta-ferrite. This is why this kind of stainless steel is known as a “duplex.” These stainless steel alloys outperform austenitic stainless steels in terms of tensile strength and corrosion resistance.

Duplex stainless steels are often used for pipes and pressure tanks in the petroleum-based products industry as well as for pipework systems in the oil and gas sector due to their physical characteristics and chemical resistance. Waterjet cutting can effectively cut duplex stainless steel.

Martensitic Stainless Steels

Martensitic stainless steels are the least common type of stainless steel alloy. While they have higher hardness compared to ferritic or austenitic alloys, their corrosion resistance is often lower. However, for applications that require high strength and durability against impact, martensitic stainless steel alloys are often the preferred choice.

In cases where corrosion resistance is also required, these alloys can be combined with a protective polymer coating. Waterjet cutting can be used for cutting martensitic stainless steel, especially when precise and intricate cuts are needed.

Ferritic Stainless Steels

Ferritic stainless steels are the second most common form of stainless steel after austenitic alloys. As their name suggests, ferritic stainless steel is magnetic. Cold working is a method for hardening these alloys. Due to their lower nickel content, ferritic stainless steels often come at a lower cost compared to other types of stainless steel.

Ferritic stainless steel is suitable for waterjet cutting because the high-pressure water stream can readily cut these alloys. The cost-effectiveness of waterjet cutting makes it a favorable option for cutting ferritic stainless steel.

Austenitic Stainless Steels

These are the stainless steel varieties that are most often used. Austenitic stainless steels typically have a greater chromium concentration than other steel alloys. This high chromium concentration increases their corrosion resistance.

Alloys made of austenitic stainless steel also tend to be non-magnetic. However, this is a trait that may change with cold working. Waterjet cutters can cut austenitic stainless steels, but it may require additional precautions due to their higher hardness.

Applications Of Waterjet Cutting Stainless Steel

Waterjet’s ability to carve intricate forms and patterns makes it a preferred choice for many stainless steel cutting. Here are some of the common applications where waterjet cutting is used for cutting stainless steel:

Medical Applications

The health industry is extremely reliant on the precision of waterjet cutting to keep up with their extremely high precision requirements. 

Medical Devices

The medical industry makes significant use of waterjet cutting for a variety of purposes. One of the prominent uses is in the manufacturing of medical devices.

Waterjet cutting can create intricate forms and patterns for these devices, from pacemakers and defibrillators to catheters. It also enables the production of unique medical equipment designed for specific uses in operating rooms or critical care units.


The technique is also employed in the production of implants, including dental implants, knee joints, and hip joints.

Waterjet cutting allows for the creation of intricate patterns and forms, ensuring a precise fit for patients. This personalized approach is especially beneficial for implants tailored to fit the patient’s anatomy.

Cerrahi Aletler

Moreover, waterjet cutting plays a significant role in manufacturing surgical instruments. This method allows for the precise and intricate cutting of scales, forceps, and needles.

It also enables the production of custom surgical equipment for specific uses, such as devices for minimally invasive surgery.

Marine Applications

The marine industry also uses waterjet cutting extensively to cut stainless steel components. 

Ships and Boat Components

Waterjet is commonly used to create intricate forms and patterns for boat and ship parts. Waterjet cutting is a precise method of cutting parts including valves, nozzles, and propellers.


Regarding decks, waterjet cutting is a popular technique for cutting stainless steel. It can create intricate designs and patterns for deck elements such as hatches, railings, and ladders.

Waterjet cutting also allows for the construction of bespoke decks with unique characteristics tailored to specific maritime applications.


Waterjet cutting is another common method for cutting stainless steel hulls. It enables the carving of intricate forms and patterns for hull parts like strakes, keels, and rudders. 

Waterjet cutting can also create unique hulls, including curved hulls and hulls with distinctive features.

Construction Applications

Waterjet cutting plays a significant role in cutting structural components made of stainless steel for construction purposes. 

Structural Components

The Waterjet cutting technique can cut trusses, beams, and columns into intricate forms and patterns. It enables the production of structural components with unique characteristics to meet the requirements of building projects.


Cutting stainless steel columns for construction purposes is another application of waterjet cutting. This technique allows for the precise carving of patterns and decorations onto bases, capitals, and flutings.

Moreover, waterjet cutting allows for the creation of bespoke columns with specific characteristics, enhancing the aesthetics and functionality of buildings.


Construction sites often employ waterjet cutting to cut stainless steel beams. It is possible to cut stiffeners, flanges, and webs into intricate forms and patterns for reliable, exact results.

Specialized beams, including curved beams and beams with unique characteristics, can be manufactured using waterjet cutting.

Manufacturing Applications

Waterjet cutting is a common technique in the industrial sector for cutting stainless steel for mechanical purposes.


Gears, shafts, and housings are examples of machinery parts that can be cut into intricate forms and patterns using this technique. Waterjet cutting also allows for the production of personalized components such as fixtures and jigs.


Ovens, refrigerators, and dishwashers are some of the appliances that can benefit from waterjet cutting. It enables the creation of intricate forms and patterns for various appliance parts, including handles and trim pieces.

Moreover, waterjet cutting can produce unique components tailored to specific appliance designs.


Furniture, jewelry, and medical equipment are some of the objects that can be carved with intricate forms and patterns using waterjet cutting.

Additionally, waterjet cutting is an option for mass production, allowing for the creation of unique product components, prototypes, and moulds.

Advantages Of Waterjet Cutting Stainless Steel

Traditional cutting methods, such as sawing or plasma cutting, can lead to heat distortion, rough edges, and a limited range of shapes. This is where su jeti̇ i̇le kesi̇m comes in as an ideal solution for cutting stainless steel with precision and efficiency.

The following are the advantages of waterjet cutting stainless steel:


Waterjet cutting offers several advantages when it comes to cutting stainless steel. One of the key benefits is its efficiency. Unlike other cutting technologies, Waterjet cutting requires no setup time or initial hole drilling. The waterjet pierces the metal as it works, making it quick and convenient.

This means that the cut component is immediately usable without any additional steps once it has been sliced. Moreover, unlike other cutting methods, waterjet cutting does not require switching gases or optics when cutting different materials, making it a versatile choice.


Waterjet cutting is known for its versatility. It has no restrictions on cutting on two axes, meaning it can easily cut any shape or form. Waterjets can handle various materials, including aluminum, stainless steel, copper, tin, titanium, and brass.

It can even cut materials up to 10 inches thick and as thin as 1/16 inch. This is a significant advantage over laser cutters, which cannot cut reflective materials like brass and aluminum. With waterjet cutting, you can achieve precise cuts on a variety of materials.

No Heat Damage

One of the key benefits of waterjet cutting stainless steel is that it is a cold-cutting method. Other cutting techniques that generate heat, such as plasma cutters, lasers, and torches, can produce heat-affected zones (HAZs). These HAZs are areas where the metal’s microstructure and characteristics have changed due to the heat generated during the cutting process.

Heat-affected zones can negatively impact the metal’s strength. With waterjet cutting, there is no heat damage or HAZs. The lack of heat means that parts emerge from the cutting table in perfect shape, with a smooth and crisp edge.

High Accuracy and Precision

Waterjet cutting offers high accuracy and precision. Its ability to precisely adjust the angle at which the jet strikes the cut material allows for greater precision than conventional cutting techniques. This means that more elaborate patterns can be achieved without compromising accuracy or speed.

In fact, waterjet cutting can be up to four times more precise than a plasma cutter. Additionally, waterjet cutting can maintain precise tolerances, which is important for a wide range of applications.

Environmentally Friendly

Waterjet cutting is an environmentally friendly cutting method. Unlike other cutting methods, it does not produce toxic waste or fumes. This makes it a cleaner and safer option.

Additionally, waterjet cutting generates less waste material since the narrow kerf washes away less material during the cutting process. This can enable more pieces to be cut from a single sheet or allow for more material to be recycled, reducing overall waste.

Tips And Precautions For Waterjet Cutting Stainless Steel

Waterjet cutting is generally safer than other cutting methods. However, it still has its own set of risks and unique safety precautions. These are some important tips and precautions to remember when using waterjet cutting for stainless steel:

1. Protect Your Fingers, Ears, and Eyes

Even though it may be challenging to get your fingers under the waterjet stream, it is still possible to injure yourself on the slats used to hold materials during cutting.

Regular cleaning of these slats is vital to prevent the growth of harmful germs. Always wear safety gloves when removing or placing items onto the waterjet to protect yourself.

Wearing safety goggles and headgear is crucial to shield your eyes and ears from potential harm. Waterjet machines can be surprisingly loud, and the speed at which they cut can exceed human hearing capacity.

2. Learn and Use Motion Controls Properly

Waterjet machines have impressive speed capabilities, moving up to 100 inches of material per minute. Trying to work with such speed can be compared to playing tag with a ravenous cheetah. Therefore, keeping your hands away from the machine while it is in operation is important.

If you notice that something is not cutting the way you desire, it is essential to pause and recheck everything. Rushing through a task can lead to injuries and potentially compromised results.

3. Consider Your Surroundings

Before using a waterjet cutter, ensure your work environment is conducive to the task. Check if the appropriate safety warnings and instructions are clearly labeled on the equipment. If they are not, make sure to address this issue before proceeding.

Additionally, review and adhere to all policies and guidelines established by your employer. It is always a good idea to refresh your knowledge of these protocols regularly.


Waterjet cutting can cut stainless steel easily and effectively. It is the preferred choice for many industries because of its many advantages. Waterjet cutting is a great option for people who want high-quality stainless steel cuts.

You can achieve excellent efficiency and quality when you use waterjet cutting for your stainless steel cutting needs, whether you work in the aerospace, automotive, or architectural industries. So, if you’re interested in introducing a waterjet cutter to your production process, be sure to browse through our collection


What is the maximum stainless steel thickness that a water jet can cut?

A water jet can cut through stainless steel that is up to 9 inches thick. Any thicker than that would significantly increase the cutting time. Some applications modify water jet systems to cut through even 18-inch steel blocks. However, many applications use water jet cutters to cut 4-inch steel.

How precise is water jet cutting?

Water jet machines usually have a cutting tolerance of 0.002″ (0.05 mm). Some water jet cutters can reduce this to 0.001″ (0.025 mm) or less. This difference is so small that it is not noticeable to the naked eye.

Does water jet cutting require an abrasive?

Pure water jet cutting uses a high-pressure water stream to cut through material without any other tools. The thickness of the water stream determines the kerf width, which is a minimally invasive process. It is a low-cost cutting method because it does not use any abrasives.

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