Water Jet Maintenance: A Comprehensive Guide For Keeping Your Machine In Top Shape

23 August, 2023
Why Maintaining A Waterjet Cutting Machine Is Important

Waterjet cutting machines are an essential tool in modern manufacturing. These have a wide range of applications across various industries. Waterjet cutters are powerful machines that use high-pressure water streams to cut through materials precisely and accurately. To ensure proper operation and performance, it’s important to maintain your waterjet cutting machine regularly.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll discuss the importance of waterjet cutting machines and provide a detailed overview of water jet maintenance. From routine inspections to preventative maintenance, we’ll cover everything you need to know to keep your waterjet cutter in top condition. So, let’s get started!

Why Maintaining A Waterjet Cutting Machine Is Important

There are several significant reasons why maintenance is crucial for waterjet cutting machines. Maintenance is a preventive measure to ensure the equipment is free from hazards. 

The objective of maintaining machinery like waterjet machines is to keep them running smoothly and in optimal condition, much like scheduling regular checkups.

Extend Machine Lifespan

Waterjet machines utilize high-pressure plumbing for large cutting operations. This high-water pressure can damage certain components, such as the nozzles. Moreover, there is a small but possible risk of system breaches due to human error during operation.

Additionally, poor water quality can lead to clogs or malfunctions in the machine, especially when using hard water or water with high pollutant levels. Regular maintenance can prolong the lifespan of the equipment and help prevent these issues.

Enhance Operational Efficiency

Neglecting maintenance can lead to operator injuries. The machine’s operational efficiency can be improved by conducting routine maintenance, minimizing the chances of such incidents. Regular maintenance also ensures precision while maximizing the machine’s performance.

Routine Waterjet Maintenance Operations

Routine maintenance is essential for preventing unexpected breakdowns, reducing downtime, and maximizing the efficiency of cutting operations.

Here are some essential maintenance tasks that should be performed regularly to keep your waterjet system in top shape:

Check The Cutting Head

The cutting head is the most crucial component of the waterjet system. It should be routinely inspected for wear and damage.

Regular cleaning is necessary to prevent the nozzles from getting blocked with dirt. Inspecting and oiling the bearings as required is also advisable to prevent them from becoming worn out.

Check High-Pressure Pump

The high-pressure pump produces the water required to cut the material. Ensuring the pump is functioning correctly and checking for leaks is crucial. Pump seals may become worn out and should be replaced as necessary.

Check Water Quality

A waterjet system requires clean, contaminant-free water to operate properly. Contaminants can harm both the cutting head and the pump. To remove pollutants, the water must be filtered and deionized.

Check Mixing Chamber

The mixing chamber is used for mixing water and abrasive. It is important to check it for damage and wear. The mixing chamber may accumulate abrasive and should be cleaned routinely.

Check Jewel Holes

Jewel holes are small slits that allow abrasive to pass through the cutting head. They should be cleaned often as they may accumulate material.

Check Lines And Fittings

A leak and wear inspection should be performed on the water, abrasive lines, and fittings. Any leaks should be fixed immediately. Oiling the lines and fittings as necessary is also a good idea.

Preventive Maintenance

To ensure their optimal performance and longevity, it is crucial to implement a preventive maintenance program and train staff on maintenance safety.

Here are the two crucial aspects of preventive maintenance for waterjet cutters: setting up a maintenance program and training staff on maintenance safety:

Set Up A Maintenance Program

The maintenance of pumps is crucial for their effective operation and longevity. Following a regular maintenance program can prevent costly breakdowns and ensure that your waterjet equipment performs optimally.

Now, we will break down the waterjet maintenance routines into daily, weekly, monthly, half-yearly, and annual tasks:

Daily Maintenance of Pumps

Adhering to the daily maintenance schedule is essential when using your waterjet equipment. Here are the important tasks you should perform daily:

  • Check the Weep Holes: Weep holes serve as a warning system for failing seals. Inspecting these holes can detect any water leakage, indicating the need for pump seal replacement.
  • Verify Water Pressure: Refer to your machine’s manufacturer guidelines and ensure the incoming water pressure meets the recommended level. Inadequate pressure can lead to pump damage or poor performance.
  • Remove Heat Valve: Clean the heat valve to prevent blockages affecting the pump’s heat dissipation.
  • Check Oil Levels: Inspect the oil levels and add more oil, if necessary, using the suggested machine oil.
  • Inspect Sealing Head and Check Valves: Look for signs of heat damage or wear and address any issues promptly.

Weekly Maintenance

In addition to daily maintenance, there are specific tasks you need to perform every week. Consider the following maintenance procedures for your pump:

  • Check Oil Filter Pressure: Monitor the oil filter’s pressure and replace the filters if the HMI oil gauge enters the red zone under normal operating temperature.
  • Verify Cylinder Clamp Ring Bolts’ Torque: Make sure the bolts that hold the cylinder clamp ring in place are tight enough to keep it stable.

Monthly Maintenance

To maintain your waterjet pumps’ optimal performance, the following actions should be taken monthly:

  • Examine Water Filters: Regularly inspect and clean the water filters to prevent clogging, which could affect the pump’s efficiency.
  • Clean Electrical Cabinet Fan Filter: Remove the door fan filter from the electrical cabinet and use compressed air to clean it thoroughly.

Half-Yearly Maintenance

Every six months, it is crucial to perform the following maintenance tasks:

  • Change Moisture Absorption Oil Filter: Depending on the condition, replace the moisture absorption oil filter every six months, every 1000 hours, or when it enters the red zone.

Annual Maintenance

To ensure the longevity and reliability of your pump, schedule an annual maintenance procedure. You should perform these two-step process once a year or every 2000 hours, whichever comes first:

Change Filters and Lubricating Oil: Replace both filters and the lubricating oil to maintain optimal pump performance.

Fix Cylinder Ring Bolts: Use M12 bolts to securely tighten the cylinder ring bolts.

Train Staff On Maintenance Safety

Besides setting up a maintenance program, training your staff on maintenance safety is equally important. Proper training ensures that your employees know the maintenance procedures, safety protocols, and the potential risks associated with waterjet cutters.

Make sure to provide comprehensive training sessions for your staff members, covering topics such as:

  • Correct handling of the equipment and tools during maintenance.
  • Proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE) to prevent injuries.
  • Safety precautions for working with high-pressure water systems.
  • Emergency procedures and how to respond to potential accidents.

After-Sales Service And Professional Support

Finding reliable suppliers and vendors who provide excellent after-sales service and professional support is crucial for waterjet cutter owners. Here are the importance of finding reliable suppliers and vendors and the significance of regular maintenance and repair for waterjet cutters:

Finding Reliable Suppliers and Vendors

When buying a waterjet cutter, it’s important to think about how the supplier or vendor will help you after the sale. Reliable suppliers and vendors offer a range of benefits, including:

Stability and Reputation

A reliable and consistent provider is more likely to deliver items that are reliable and function well. Look for vendors with a history of supplying trustworthy waterjet solutions and a strong presence in the market.

Ask for client endorsements, reviews, and references to evaluate their reputation and customer satisfaction.

Transparency in Manufacturing

Even if a company can show that it manufactures some of its goods, it is important to determine how much of its product line is produced in-house. Some suppliers may only produce a small portion of their product selection while relying primarily on outside sources for the remainder.

By examining the scope of its production capabilities, you can assess how much control a company has over its entire product line.

Supply Chain Management and Stability

A dependable waterjet producer with a well-managed supply chain is more likely to offer consistent and high-performing waterjet products. Ask them about their relationships with the suppliers of their raw materials and component parts, as well as the reliability of their supply chain.

Inquire about their safety stock levels as well. In the case of supplier material shortages, a sufficient safety stock ensures that the producer won’t have to rely on unreliable or inferior sources, helping to ensure a consistent product.

Focus on Long-Term Partnerships

When looking for a waterjet provider, it is advantageous to focus on building long-term relationships rather than completing quick deals. Reliable vendors work to meet your changing needs because they care about your success.

Look for suppliers, as well as the waterjet service workers and technicians that support them, who place emphasis on developing trusting relationships, providing consistent waterjet technical support, and improving their products.

Importance Of Regular Maintenance And Repair

Waterjet cutters are powerful machines that require regular maintenance and repair to operate at their best. Here are some of the key benefits of keeping your waterjet cutter in top condition:

Enhanced Performance

Regular maintenance and repair can help identify and fix any issues or wear and tear in your waterjet cutter.

This ensures that the machine operates optimally, delivering precise and accurate cuts every time.


Waterjet cutters operate at high pressures and speeds, so safety is a top priority. Regular maintenance and repair can help identify and address any safety hazards, ensuring a safe working environment for operators and personnel.

Timely maintenance and repair can significantly reduce operating costs. If you identify and address issues early on, you can avoid costly breakdowns, production delays, and increased energy consumption.


Maintaining your waterjet cutting machine is essential for prolonging its lifespan, increasing operational efficiency, and ensuring optimal performance. Adhering to regular maintenance procedures and implementing a preventive maintenance program can reduce downtime, avoid expensive repairs, and optimize your machine’s productivity.

It is important to prioritize safety, provide training for your staff, and seek professional assistance from reputable suppliers and vendors. By taking the necessary steps to maintain your waterjet cutting machine, you can consistently achieve outstanding results for all your cutting needs. For troubleshooting and solutions to common issues, contact us for expert guidance.

This article was written by various IVYCNC contributors. IVYCNC is a leading resource in manufacturing with CNC machining.